Blumenstrasse wird zugebaut! – Local community on the move

If you have been to the Bremen Viertel you know that it is probably the most vibrant part of the city. It hosts a wide array of bars, coffee shops, boutiques and restaurants. People are constantly walking through the streets and at night, especially on Fridays and the weekend, it becomes more alive. Another distinct […]

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Protest gegen das AfD-Büro in Walle

Im westlichen Stadtteil Walle positioniert sich das überparteiliche Bündnis “AfD Büro? Nirgendwo!” mit Postern und Protestaktionen gegen das lokale AfD-Büro. „Also, wir wollen lieber kein AfD-Büro in Walle! Und anderswo auch nicht.“ Ein halb zerrissener Sticker mit dieser Aufschrift klebt auf dem gelben Postbriefkasten an der Ecke Vegesacker Straße/Helgolander Straße im Bremer Stadtteil Walle. An […]

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Nazi-free zone: Antifa Movements in Viertel

Bohemian, colourful, diverse and in any way creative – neighbourhood Viertel in Bremen is associated with the alternative and cultural scene of this city. Variety of bars, creative spaces and hip shops creates a special environment for imaginative and alternative people to express their attitudes and positions. Actually, Viertel is not just a cultural space […]

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A common passion for the people of Bremen: Football fanaticism

The streets of Viertel are covered with ideas, arts, all kinds of forms of expression, this is the main area of Bremen where people can attract others attention for issues in which they are personally involved, issues which they find important to be aware of or to take action. People come to the Viertel with […]

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Fridays for Future Bremen

Climate change can sometimes be a disstresing topic. In August 2018, 16 year old Greta Thunberg from Sweden decided to start striking every Friday in front of the Swedish Parliament with a sign saying “Skolstrejk för klimatet” which translates to “School strike for climate”. Her demands to the government are compliance with the paris climate […]

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I, Sebastian Haunss (Place of residence: Germany), process personal data to operate this website only to the extent technically necessary. All details in my privacy policy.